Academic integrity is founded upon and encompasses the following five values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Supporting and affirming these values is essential to promoting and maintaining academic integrity. Each member of the academic community must stand accountable for their actions. As a result, a community develops in which students learn the responsibilities of citizenship and how to contribute honorably to their goals and endeavors.
The first responsibility for academic integrity lies with individual students and faculty members of this community. A violation of academic integrity is an act harmful to all other students, faculty, and the school. Deceit and misrepresentations are incompatible with the fundamental activity of this academic institution and shall not be tolerated. Members of the Christa McAuliffe Academy School of Arts and Sciences (CMASAS) community are expected to foster in their own work the spirit of academic honesty and not to tolerate its abuse by others. This Academic Integrity Policy encompasses the duration of the student’s enrollment with CMASAS.
Consequences are at the discretion of CMASAS and are dependent on the severity and type of violation to the Academic Integrity Policy.
Students are expected to practice responsible and honest behavior. Acts of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated at CMASAS and typical offenses are listed but not limited to the following:
- Copying material from other sources and claiming it as your own without citation
- Soliciting answers from other students, online forums, or search engines
- Intentional falsification or invention of date, citation, or other authority in an academicexercise
- Taking someone else's work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement
- Theft or alteration of materials
Consequences for violations to the Academic Integrity Policy may include any of the following:
- The student may be issued a warning regarding the specific violation that was committed, and parent or guardian may be notified. Student may be allowed to resubmit the assignment with no loss of score due to the offense. However, the offense may be documented for future reference.
- Student may need to complete a plagiarism review course prior to completing any additional work or resubmitting the assignment. At the end of the plagiarism review course, student will sign an acknowledgement form indicating they understand what plagiarism is and are familiar with the Academic Integrity Policy and agree to abide by the policy.
- An official letter may be sent home to explain the severity of the offense.
- Student may receive no credit for the assignment.
- Student may be placed on academic probation incurring an added tuition of up to $150.00 per month for 3 months or longer, and the offense will be documented in the student’s permanent academic record.
- Future assignments may be reviewed, and assessments may be required to be proctored at the family’s expense.
- The student may be removed from the course or receive a failing grade.
- The student may be withdrawn from CMASAS. (Payment and Refund Terms still apply.)
Download PDF here: Academic Integrity v.24.pdf