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Upcoming Travel Experiences



Camino de Santiago hike
Camino de Santiago

We plan to hike the Camino de Santiago from Tui to Santiago on our next international adventure. We will spend a week immersed in the rich culture and history along a scenic route that has been around since the 9th century and walked by those such as kings, queens, popes and presidents. We believe this transformative experience in nature will bring enormous benefits both physically and mentally. 

Previous Travel Experiences

travel experience africa

Our students had a wonderful time in South Africa. Students were able to see rhinos, cheetahs, elephants, giraffes, hippos, and zebras at the Zulu Nyala Preserve. They also explored the history of the apartheid by visiting Nelson Mandela’s home and the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg.

travel experiences spain italy

Students and parents met in the Mediterranean sun to explore the historic wonders and natural beauty of Spain and Italy. On this 12-day excursion, we visited Madrid, Barcelona, Rome and the Tuscany region, which included Florence, Lucca, and Pisa. We examined the intertwined histories and experienced the architecture, art and cuisine of Italy and Spain. From the Prado and Park Güell to the Roman Colleseum, CMASAS students explored perspectives on these pillars of Europe.

travel experiences cuba

CMASAS students got to know the charm, tradition, and beauty of Cuba. In Havana, Cuba’s capital city, we discussed the region’s conservation efforts, educational resources, and national identity with locals. We then journeyed east to Cienfuegos to discover Cuba’s culture firsthand with a trip to an art studio as well as music and dance performances. We visited the Pay of Pigs, an old sugar cane plantation, and rode a steam engine train, as well as played baseball with the locals. We also viewed the re-enactment of Fortaleza, which is part of Cuba’s propaganda machine.