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Written by: April Sandoval

My grandfather often said, “Invisible threads are the strongest ties,” and that quote has stuck with me to this day. At Christa McAuliffe Academy School of Arts and Sciences, relationships are at the heart of everything we do. As I start my seventh year as a PEC, I reflect on my initial thoughts about forming relationships online. I used to wonder if virtual connections could be as strong as those made in person. However, my experiences have shown me that the bonds I've built with my families are long-lasting and just as significant, allowing me to grow both as a teacher and a person.


In my role as a PEC, I wear many hats—partner, coach, mentor, cheerleader, guide, and advocate. Each of these roles relies on trust and communication, which are essential for creating relationships that not only support students, but also empower them to reach their full potential. These connections inspire and motivate me every day to be the best PEC I can be. The relationships I build with my students are authentic, long-lasting, and energizing. 


This summer, I had the pleasure of spending an entire day with one of my families. Ben has been with CMASAS for eight years, and Nathan four. They traveled from Pennsylvania to meet me and my family in NYC. We had a blast exploring the city together, sharing laughs, and creating memories that will last a lifetime. It was a wonderful reminder of the meaningful connections that can be forged online and the special magic that happens when we meet in person.


What I’ve come to realize is that online relationships are far from inferior, and when you do get to meet in person, you gain a newfound appreciation that would not otherwise be there. These connections remind me of the value of invisible threads that connect us, transcending physical distances and enriching our lives in unexpected ways.


Thank you, Grandpa Joe, for sharing the wise words of Friedrich Nietzsche. Even though we may not share the same physical space daily, it is still possible to build strong connections. Invisible threads, though not tangible, are just as important as the physical ties that bind us. They help us launch confident, caring leaders and passionate life-long learners who explore infinite possibilities, achieve their dreams, and touch the future.