Debate Club is a safe, moderated environment for students to practice our debating skills and learn about formal methods of debate. We will learn and apply argumentative skills and use appeals to logic and morals to establish convincing arguments. Members will also get the opportunity to practice their public-speaking skills and build their eloquence. Topics will be chosen by the participants to hold engaging and though-provoking discussions. Club members will collaborate with one another in order to build a coherent argument for their team and assign themselves roles in the debate! Most importantly, all members will take a short oath to promise respectful, considerate, and kind participation. The debates themselves will be held every month. The first meeting of each month will serve the purpose of brainstorming and choosing the topic for the debate, establishing the debate teams, and beginning work on each team’s thesis statements. At the second meeting of each month, the debate will be held. Each side will participate, and different members will hold specific roles (main argument, rebuttals, etc.) as dictated by our chosen format. At the end of the debate, we will reflect upon our arguments, and make notes to improve our arguments next time!

1st and 3rd Fridays 9:30 am PST