Are you interested in being a physical therapist, veterinarian, nurse, psychologist, dentist, dental hygienist, nurse assistant, pharmacist, or doctor in any field of medicine? Are you exploring the idea of healthcare as a career? Future human and animal health professionals, this is your club! If you are interested in a career in the field of human health or veterinary medicine, join us for an opportunity to explore all aspects of your future career, gain confidence in your understanding of your field of interest, and enjoy interacting with medical professionals as guest speakers. Each month, a medical-related fiction or non-fiction book chosen from a pool of student suggestions will help drive our discussion. Guest speakers from the medical field, based on student interests, will be invited to some meetings for an interactive professional opportunity. Anyone interested in a career serving as a health professional in the human or animal world of medicine is highly encouraged to become a club member!

1st and 3rd Thursday at 11:30am PST