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European History
ASU Course Name
HST 102: Europe & the Mediterranean: Ancient & Medieval
Subject Area

This first year online history course will take you on a fascinating journey through the history of Europe and the Mediterranean from ancient times through 1500 AD. You will learn about a number of cultures and periods, including:

  • Egypt and Mesopotamia
  • Greece
  • Rome
  • Judaism
  • The Byzantine Empire
  • The Rise of Islam
  • Medieval Europe

What you’ll learn

  • Describe the civilizations of Egypt, Greece, Rome, and the Middle Ages.
  • Describe the historical relations between Europe and the larger world.
  • Analyze the transformation of human institutions and beliefs over time.
  • Evaluate the legacy of ancient and medieval cultures in our world today.

What to expect in class

Video lectures, readings, design project, discussions, live meetings with the instructor, quizzes, and midterm and final exams.

Exams and grading

  • 5% - Design Project (1)
  • 30% - Content Mastery (14)
  • 30% - Quizzes (7)
  • 15% - Midterm Exam
  • 20% - Final Exam

Block image
Instructor-led (8 weeks)
University Credits
3 credits
CMASAS Credits
1 credit (Social Studies)
Fall A
Spring A
Summer A
Summer B