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ASU Course Name
ECN 211: Macroeconomic Principles
Subject Area

Macroeconomics is the study of the sum of all spending, income, and productive efforts. The economic outcomes that we experience are the result of our intricate dealings with other governments, businesses, and people, both locally and globally. This course will give you insight into how economists approach and measure these big issues and questions.This first part of this course takes a look at the common household with a specific focus on how the members of a household choose their workloads and spending habits. You will also study how businesses, both large and small, make important economic decisions.The second part of this course dives into policymaking and how these policies can either distort or enhance market outcomes. You will focus on five specific areas of economic policy:

  • Free trade
  • Research and development & innovation
  • Fiscal and tax
  • Inflation and monetary
  • Unemployment and labor market policies

What you’ll learn

  • Apply marginal analysis to common economic decision problems
  • Describe economic decisions households and businesses make
  • Understand economic efficiency and sources of deviations from it
  • Interpret main macroeconomic indicators commonly analyzed to follow economy in real time
  • Understand the main policy discussions related to fiscal and monetary policy
  • Describe the advantages of trade

What to expect in class

Interactive Learning Objects, Videos, Practice Problems, Quizzes, Midtem, Final

Exams and grading

  • 10% - Practice problems
  • 30% - Quizzes (13)
  • 30% - Midterm Exam
  • 30% - Final Exam

Block image
Instructor-led (8 weeks)
University Credits
3 credits
CMASAS Credits
1 credit (Social Studies)
Fall A
Spring A