Beginning Drawing is for those students with little or no prior drawing experience. Basic skills in dry and wet drawing media will be introduced and practiced. Students will survey current and past drawing works of artists from around the world to develop an appreciation of the diverse ways drawing is approached and applied. A working vocabulary will be developed as the elements and principles of art are applied to the art of drawing, Emphasis is placed on grey-scale drawing, although students may elect to include color in their pieces. The basic principles of perspective are introduced. Drawing styles ranging from abstract, through semi-abstract, to representational will be explored. This course serves as a foundation course for continuing study in fine arts. Along with specific, skill-focused assignments, students will complete a portfolio of pieces demonstrating the range of skills and concepts developed during the course. This course is highly customized to fit with students’ prior experience and goals for drawing. As such, weekly, or biweekly phone or online meetings can be expected. If these are not feasible, frequent email communication is essential. Purchase of a modest list of art materials may be needed.