Intermediate Painting is for those students with prior beginning –level painting experience. Students should be familiar with the use of the elements and principles of art to represent depth and perspective. Basic skills in acrylic media will be expanded and practiced. Students may want to begin work with oil, watercolors, gouache (opaque watercolor), pastels or mixed-media. A working vocabulary will be developed as the elements and principles of art are applied to the art of painting. Emphasis is continued on building technical and artistic paint-handling skills. The mixing and use of color continues as a major topic. The basic principles of perspective are expanded and used to generate depth in paintings. Painting styles, ranging from abstract, through semi-abstract, to representational will be explored. This course contributes to continuing study in commercial and fine arts. Along with specific, skill-focused assignments, students will complete a portfolio of pieces demonstrating the range of skills and concepts developed during the course. A list of materials and sources can be obtained from the instructor prior to registration in the course.