The student experience in this class centers around a technology-agnostic framework based on John Dewey’s four key impulses that drive learning: Inquiry, communication, construction and expression. Dewey saw these impulses, rather than the traditional disciplines, as the foundation for the curriculum. The educational challenge is to nurture these impulses for lifelong learning. As such, the course will consist of four core modules based on the aforementioned impulses allowing for a three-week dive into each with an introduction and time at the end dedicated to synthesis and reflection.
This course is part of the lower division Professional Educator Series, which includes courses in each semester during freshman and sophomore years. These courses will provide learners with the prerequisite content knowledge and professional skills to be prepared for their upper division coursework in their specific majors. Focal areas of the series include:
- Ethics and principled decision-making
- Advocacy of self, learners, and the teaching profession
- Equity literacy
- Critical and systems thinking
- Educational policy and societal contexts