"We came across CMASAS years ago when looking for an alternative platform for elementary education. It was before online school was trending and long before the dreaded COVID-19. Keep in mind we still wanted a challenging, informative and fairly disciplined curriculum for our child, but we wanted something more personalized that would focus on their potential. as well as being on par with any of their peers.
It was the best decision we ever made. Now in CMASAS high school, and soon to graduate next year, our young adult has a bond with teachers and a Personalized Education Coach that will be lifelong. This teenager still has an active social life, a part-time job and a driver’s license like any other teen. The difference is the confidence and communication skills gained through a personal teaching experience which has our student leaps and bounds ahead of most in the same peer group.
You should consider CMASAS a solid top option amongst any brick-and-mortar education!"